Rum & Quartz

The Magic of Wellness

4" White Sage Bundle

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4" White Sage Bundle

Sale Price:$5.00 Original Price:$6.00

Cleanse spiritual impurities and negative energy using our high-quality, long burning white sage bundle. It’s sustainably grown and offers protection and blessings to any person or anything the smoke touches.



Light your sage bundle and blow out the flame. You should see smoke, not fire.

Say your blessing and speak intentions into the smoke.

For example: Into this smoke, I release all energies that no longer serve me, all negativity that surrounds me and all fears that limit me.

Move the bundle around your body/space, repeating intentions with confidence. If cleansing a room, start at the door and move in a circular motion, making sure to reach all corners.

Use an abalone shell or ashtray to collect ashes. Leave your sage burning in the shell/ashtray and it will extinguish by itself. NEVER leave sage burning unattended.

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