Rum & Quartz

The Magic of Wellness

New Year, New You?

We put so much pressure on ourselves to completely transform our lives at the start of every year. What is our obsession with starting over? Are we that unhappy with how things were? Or is it a healthy way to set goals for ourselves and improve our overall lives?

The truth is, there are positives and negatives to our beliefs about New Year’s resolutions. While it’s always great to recognize areas in our lives that can use some improvements, it’s important to remember that achievements take time and can change based on our needs. Perfection also isn’t the end goal. By mid-March, we want to be in a positive place with our resolutions, not bashing ourselves for not meeting the usually high standards we set for ourselves as December winds down.

Here’s 5 ways you can set yourself up for success with those New Year’s goals without turning it into a disappointing experience.

1. Be realistic with your goals

Goals are one thing, but expecting to change every single thing about your life in a short span of time is unrealistic. Choose 2-3 goals for yourself and think critically on how to achieve them. Maybe you don’t need to lost 50 pounds in 2 months. But rather, you can increase the amount of time you spend exercising on a weekly basis, while also being conscious about how and what you eat.

Semantics matter when it comes to New Year’s resolutions. Instead of your goal being “Lose 50 pounds in 2 months”, try “Make healthier choices with food and exercise”. The first one is rigid, and unforgiving. The second allows you room to be human. You can start your goal with researching nutritious meals you can add to your routine and fun ways you can add more exercise into your schedule. Try different things until you find what works for you.

2. Focus on small ways to improve

A house isn’t built as one large piece. There are smaller, more intricate pieces that are put together to create something grand. It’s the same with goal setting. If you want to get to your “finish line” you’ve got to start small.

3. Write down your goals

Writing down your goals helps lead to success. Handwriting thoughts and goals makes our brains process the possibilities in full detail. Not only can writing down resolutions act as a reminder every day, but you’re also burning the vision into your memory. Visualizing is crucial to success and manifesting. It’s important to be able to see the end goal first. Writing it on paper seals the deal.

4. Check-in with yourself

As you’re on your journey, monitor your progress. Daily check-ins are important because they allow you to see if any part of your resolution needs to be adjusted. Is everything working for you as you change your lifestyle? Be gentle with yourself and embrace going with the flow. Remember that it’s okay if you need to alter your path and try a different method. After all, there’s more than one way to skin a cat.

5. Celebrate your wins

Every step of the way you should be celebrating your achievements, no matter how small. Just the fact that you loved yourself enough to improve your life is a win. This is the most important step because positive reinforcement gives you a better chance of repeating the behavior. You can trick your brain into wanting to continue on this journey, even though it may be difficult at times. This is the key to staying motivated and sticking with it!

Wishing you a peaceful and loving New Year! Love you all! Get lit and be present in the moment!

© 2021 Rum & Quartz LLC